
Showing posts from November, 2012

Official: WHEEL OF TIME has sold lots of books

Tor Books have put up an interesting - if rather hyperbolic - video discussing the Wheel of Time sequence and its impact and influence on the fantasy genre. Obviously as a marketing release from the publisher, it's a bit of a fluff piece (the considerably mixed reception WoT has had in the wider world is not mentioned), but it does feature some interesting new info on the sales figures of the series. Yup, the oft-quoted figure of 44 million sales, it transpires, refers to the United States and Canada alone, not a worldwide figure. This is surprising news and since it comes straight from the horse's mouth (in this case Tom Doherty's, the head of Tor Books), must be taken as fact. Given the normal ratio of North American sales to the rest of the world is about half of the total sales, that should put worldwide sales of Wheel of Time in the region of 80-90 million. Which is a lot, and considerably more than previously thought. There's some interesting stuff in the rest ...

DRAGON AGE III will be a next-gen title

It's been claimed that Dragon Age III has been upgraded from a PS3/X-Box 360 title and will instead launch on the next-generation versions of both consoles. A date of (financial year) 2014 is given, tentatively giving credence to reports that the new consoles will launch before the end of 2013 and Dragon Age III may be a launch title for them. Not entirely surprising news, especially given the rumours that BioWare may make Dragon Age III much more open and freeform than any of their previous titles (and more like Bethesda's RPGs).

Primeiras imagens do Wii Mini são reveladas em loja virtual

Por ÔMEGA  em 27/11/2012 - 20:28 Quem está ansioso pelo Mini Wii (ou seria Wii Mini)? Ok, ninguém?! Mesmo assim, talvez aqueles necessitados que não têm ainda um videogame devem estar. A loja de  compras   virtual norte-americana Best Buy pode ter revelado o design do Wii Mini. O console aparentemente tem o tamanho de um Mac Mini e a espessura de um Wii normal. Seu design é fosco de cor preta e tamém podemos ver que ele virá com Wii Remote Plus vermelho.  O Wii Mini poderá ser lançado no dia 7 de dezembro, custando apenas C$ 99 e não suportar jogos de GameCube.  FIQUEM LIGADOS NO EDG.

PlayStation 4 deve ser lançado em outubro ou novembro de 2013, prevê Michael Pachter

Por ÔMEGA em 27/11/12 - 20:36 O controverso analista da Wedbush Morgan Securities, Michael Pachter, afirmou recentemente à revista Play que o PlayStation 4 deve chegar às lojas em outubro ou novembro de 2013. Segundo ele, a Sony vai tentar se antecipar a qualquer movimento da Microsoft para garantir que seu console chegue aos consumidores antes da opção criada pela concorrência.  "Não faz sentido que elas lancem antes dessa data, já que isso anteciparia o console aos softwares que estão sendo desenvolvidos para ele. Tenho bastante  confiança de que já estão trabalhando em jogos do PS4 há mais ou menos um ano. Os feriados de fim de ano de 2013 seriam uma janela confortável para a Sony, dando a eles a chance de passar à frente da Microsoft", declarou Pachter.  O analista acredita que o lançamento do PlayStation 4 não deve significar o fim das vendas do PlayStation 3. Segundo ele, o console deve continuar tendo vendas sólidas por pelo menos...

Graeme's Fantasy Book Review closes its doors

Graeme's Fantasy Book Review is sadly shutting up shop after almost six years of blogging on everything SF. Graeme and Pat Rothfuss engaging in a terrifying stare-off. Pat might have won this round. Sad news. Having enjoyed his blog for many years, met Graeme at quite a few signings and had many a great chat with him, it's a shame to see him hanging up the blogging gloves. Best wishes to him in his future endeavours!

MERLIN to conclude after Season 5

The currently-airing fifth season of Merlin will be the last , according to the BBC and the producers. This news came as a bit of a surprise. When the show started in 2008 the producers claimed to have a 'five-year-plan' for the show which they would follow until its end. However, last year the producers also claimed to have ditched this plan in favour of the letting the show continue as long as it was popular, and were actively planning a sixth season and beyond. The reasons for this about-face are unclear, but the BBC, actors and producers are all claiming that the show has come to a natural conclusion and it hasn't been cancelled. In fact, the show is still pulling in seven million viewers a week, which compares favourably to what Doctor Who does in the same timeslot. The current favourite theory is that since the show was originally planned to last five years, the actors were only contracted for five years. When the producers decided to continue the show beyond that ...

Call of Duty: Black Ops II

Por MASTERGAMES em 27/11/12 - 11:42 É muito fácil falar mal de Call of Duty. “É mais do mesmo”, “caça-níquel” e “câncer da indústria” são alguns dos comentários geralmente associados à série recordista de faturamento em todo o mercado de entretenimento. Esse ano não foi diferente, Black Ops II faturou mais de 500 milhões de dólares nas primeiras 24 horas, batendo o recordista anterior Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.  No entanto, é preciso ter cuidado para não colocar Black Ops II no “pacote” de jogos anuais que não justificam suas atualizações; esse é o melhor Call of Duty de todos os tempos.  Se você não gosta de jogos de tiro em primeira pessoa, com certeza nenhum dos argumentos a seguir te convencerão a jogar o novo Call of Duty, até porque essa não é a proposta do jogo. A série continua fiel às suas origens e por isso o jogo é sim parecido com os antecessores – o que é normal em continuações.  A campanha de Black Ops II tem uma das melhores narrativas do...

Minecraft 1.4.2 - O Recomeço da série MINECRAFT SURVIVAL

Por MASTERGAMES em 24/11/12 - 19:14 Eae pessoal da EDG blza?desta vez estou trazendo para vcs um vídeo onde recomeço a série minecraft survival espero que gostem se gostou clique em gostei e se inscreva no canal. NOVO: Minha fan page no facebok curtam ela,todos os meus vídeos eu irei postar lá também. Links: Meu Canal Meu twitter PSN:MG_57_BR Skype:mastergames57

Episodes 5-6 of BSG: BLOOD AND CHROME

The fifth and sixth webisodes of the Battlestar Galactica spin-off pilot, Blood and Chrome :

EMPIRE STRIKES BACK writer hired to work on new STAR WARS movies

It has been revealed that Lawrence Kasdan, the scriptwriter of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi , will pen either the second or third film in the new Star Wars trilogy. Michael Arndt has already penned an outline for the whole trilogy and will be writing the script for Episode VII . The remaining film will be penned by Simon Kinberg. Kasdan's involvement has excited fans, since The Empire Strikes Back remains widely regarded as the highpoint of the original trilogy and the entire Star Wars franchise to date. Return of the Jedi is less universally well-regarded, though the problems with the movie (such as the replacement of the planned Wookie army with Ewoks) are more often blamed on changes introduced by George Lucas himself. Kasdan's work since Jedi is less well-regarded, with his biggest hit being The Bodyguard . However, Kasdan's involvement does add some credibility for the fans hoping for a return to the form of the original trilogy. Kinberg's t...

Já disponível uma nova atualização para Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 no PS3

Por MASTERGAMES em 19/11/12 - 18:56 Em poucos dias após o seu lançamento, a versão PlayStation 3 de Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 já recebeu a terceira atualização. A Activision avisou que a atualização 1.03 encontra-se disponível para download neste momento, bastando iniciarem o jogo com a sessão iniciada na PlayStation Network para dar início à instalação da atualização. A atualização vai eliminar os bloqueios que acontecem no modo online, mais especificamente quando se entra no lobby do multijogador. Ao que parece, mesmo depois da atualização ainda existem jogadores com o problema, mas a Activision garante que vai fazer tudo que for possível para resolver o problema. Via -  Eurogamer

GAME OF THRONES Season 3 teaser

A teaser trailer for Season 3 of Game of Thrones . I believe the voice-over is by Tara Fitzgerald, who is playing the role of Selyse Baratheon.

The Sandman: Brief Lives by Neil Gaiman

Delirium of the Endless has resolved to find her missing brother, Destruction. She asks for the help of her family, but the only one to respond positively is Dream. Recently dumped by a mortal woman, Dream needs something to take his mind off moping and decides this quest is the answer. He and Delirium set out on what promises to be an adventure...until people start dying and Dream is asked the impossible by his son. Brief Lives is the seventh volume in the Sandman series, picking up after the events of the Fables and Reflections collection. In particular, it expands on the story Orpheus in which Dream's son awoke the rage of the Furies and was left in a dire predicament. Dream, who has been changed more than he will care to admit by a century's imprisonment at the hands of a mortal, finds himself in a situation where he requires Orpheus's help but the price that is asked in return is dire. This in turn has grave consequences that will extend across the remainder of the...

Brad Bird rules himself out from directing STAR WARS

Brad Bird, the favourite choice as director of Star Wars Episode VII , has ruled himself out of the running. He will be too busy filming 1952 , an SF epic written by Damon Lindelof, to work on the film. He is also still working on bringing his San Francisco earthquake disaster movie, 1906 , to the screen. A number of other directors have also ruled themselves out, including Zack Snyder (so no slow-mo lightsabre fights then), Steven Spielberg and J.J. Abrams . Joss Whedon hasn't explicitly turned it down, but he is busy developing the new S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series, after which he will start work on The Avengers II for release in May 2015. This will prevent him from working on Episode VII , which has been also slated for a 2015 release (with May 2015, the 38th anniversary of the original Star Wars , a likely date). This reduces the pool of possible directors to just a few credible figures. Joe Johnston , who most recently helmed Captain America , is a possibility due to his old-sch...

Novo trailer de God of War: Ascension mostra alinhamento com Ares

Por MASTERGAMES em 18/11/12 - 08:28 Um novo trailer do multiplayer de God of War:Ascension foi divulgado pela Sony Santa Monica mostrando o que os jogadores podem esperar ao se alinharem com Ares, o deus da guerra original. Seus seguidores tornam-se guerreiros natos, com força incrível, utilizando o fogo contra seus inimigos. O título sai em 12 de março para o PlayStation 3.   No multiplayer de God of War: Ascension, cada jogador precisa escolher um dos deuses gregos para idolatrar. Garantir sua fidelidade à Ares provê um estilo de luta com o qual já estamos bastante familiarizados, pois é o mesmo que utiliza o próprio protagonista da série, Kratos. O foco dos guerreiros de Ares é a extrema ofensiva, com armas pesadas e força bruta que cresce consecutivamente a cada novo ataque, enquanto os efeitos de fogo ainda causam danos extras. Porém, mesmo com tamanho poder, a defesa desses personagens é mais fraca, equilibrando as batalhas. Via -  Tech Tudo

Divulgado trailer de lançamento de Hitman: Absolution

Por ÒMEGA em 17/11/12 - 19:58 Foi divulgado nesta sexta-feira (16) mais um novo trailer do game Hitman: Absolution. O vídeo revela uma série de comentários de importantes publicações elogiando o jogo, além de mostrar diversas cenas em CG retratando parte da trama do mais novo título da franquia. Hitman: Absolution, da Square Enix, tem previsão de lançamento para a próxima terça-feira  e estará disponível para PC, Xbox 360 e PlayStation 3. Fonte:  VG 24/7 FIQUEM LIGADOS NO BLOG.

Colours in the Steel by K.J. Parker

Triple-walled Perimadeia is one of the richest city-states in the world, famed for its teeming markets and its impregnable defences. After decades of trying fruitlessly to take the city, one of the plains tribes comes up with an ingenious idea: send one of their own to get a job in the city arsenal and learn its secrets from the inside. Even as an ambitious young chieftain's son plans the most audacious siege in history, life in the city goes on. Bardas Loredan, a former soldier, now works as a defence advocate. In the courts of Perimadeia cases are settled through swordplay and Bardas is very good at what he does...until a vengeful young woman hires the city's Patriarch to curse him. Colours in the Steel was originally published in 1998 and was the debut novel by the enigmatic K.J. Parker. It's also the first in The Fencer Trilogy , although it also works quite well as a stand-alone book. It can be best described as a sort-of anti-epic fantasy. The trappings of much of th...

Ubisoft diz que ZombiU terá dublagem e legendas em português do Brasil

Por  ÔMEGA  em 16/11/12 - 20:08 Em um email ao site Nintendo Everything, um dos diretores criativos de  ZombiU , Florent Sacré, revelou que o título de  Wii U  terá dublagem e legendas em vários idiomas - inclusive português do Brasil.  "As legendas são ligadas ao idioma do áudio que você escolhe para seu jogo. Se você selecionar inglês, verá as legendas em inglês. As outras versões disponíveis nas Américas são espanhol, francês e português do Brasil. O nosso time de desenvolvimento criou o jogo a partir da língua Inglesa e nossos times locais espalhados pelo mundo traduziu e gravou o script em 9 línguas mundiais  . "  disse.

Episodes 3-4 of BSG: BLOOD AND CHROME

The third and fourth episodes of the Blood and Chrome pilot have been officially released to YouTube: Some interesting stuff, including our first proper look at a Colonial warship that isn't a battlestar. However, Blood and Chrome 's insistence on reusing existing BSG actors is getting a little bit silly: the Osiris jump officer is played by Ty Olsson, who had a recurring role on BSG itself as Captain Kelly, the Galactica 's third-in-command. And the commander he's reporting to was Gunnery Sergeant Hadrian in the first season of BSG . I know Vancouver doesn't have an infinite supply of actors to draw upon, but the constant re-use of the same actors in different roles supposedly showing up forty years part is not helping to suspend disbelief.

HBO unveils GAME OF THRONES Season 3 poster

Early days, so not much info so far apart from the already-confirmed airing date:   The image has a few nice features to it. The three swords are clearly a reference to it being the third season and the reason for the swords as a motif is because the season is based on A Storm of Swords (or rather, the first two-thirds of it or so). The backdrop might also be a reference to the Wall, which will figure prominently as a destination this season (at least, if it goes by the book). As for when we'll see the first footage, I'd put my money on a teaser of some kind after the finale of the third season of Boardwalk Empire , which airs in the USA on 2 December.

Terry Pratchett to pass DISCWORLD onto his daughter

In an interview with The New Statesman , Terry Pratchett has confirmed that his daughter Rhianna has received his blessing to work on additional Discworld projects after he passes away or is no longer capable (he is suffering from early-onset Alzheimer's). He has already made her a producer and writer on The Watch , a new TV series based on his City Watch Discworld novels, and has give her permission to write new Discworld books once he has hung up his pen. Rhianna Pratchett already has writing form. She has worked in the computer game industry for many years, originally as a writer for PC Zone magazine and The Guardian 's computer games section before penning the storyline for the Overlord series and Mirror's Edge . Most recently she has worked on the new Tomb Raider game. This is appropriate as Terry Pratchett is a noted fan of the original games, once even considering writing a game called Tomb Stocker which would centre on the hapless minions who stock those tomb...

IGN Interviews GTA V Producer Leslie Benzies

It's day two of IGN's GTA V Week, and today's big releases are two new screens and an exclusive IGN interview with GTA V Executive Producer Leslie Benzies! A few things stood out in this interview: Jets (and other planes presumably) will be hard to come by in early parts of the game, but can be gotten if you can get past airport security. Several missions will be more freeform then in past GTA games. You'll be allowed a lot more freedom in deciding on how to proceed in completing them. Weapons will be a little different this time, as they don't want to give you too much too soon. But by the end of the game you'll have built up "a satisfying arsenal." Animals will have actual uses in the game, i.e guard dogs keeping you out of certain areas. Don't forget that the Second GTA V Trailer comes out today! Check it out here, and talk about this (and other GTA V information)

IGN Preview Day 1 Breakdown

Along with international previews releasing today, IGN kicked off its Grand Theft Auto V Blowout Week. Today they shared their perspective of the press preview given by Rockstar Games at their NYC office. Quick list of new information (beyond Game Informer): Police chases among random events that happen in the world Franklin works for an Armenian luxury car dealership The Salton Sea area is named Alamo Sea Protag switching is from a menu that displays which character is available to switch to. Camera zooms out from the current protag, pans across the map in an aerial view, and then zooms in on the chosen protag. GTA V is about 5 times bigger than IV Mini-map/radar displays horizon for flying Switching protags during missions can make the mission play out in many different ways depending on your actions All protags involved must survive missions Story mission co-op is very unlikely You can also check out the IGN staff's opinions in their Game Scoop! video here .

European Previews Breakdown

I know this thing can be same but yeah! we share each and every news on GTA V so take a look at here! Earlier today magazines and websites all over Europe released their own previews for the upcoming 'Grand Theft Auto V'. We have all the new screenshot's right here! List that will be updated: The Guardian (UK) [ translated ] Meristation [ translated ] Jeuxactu [ translated ] [ translated ] Liberation [ translated ] Spiegel [ translated ] InsideGamer [ translated ] [ translated ] [ translated ] Here's a quick summary of what we found out about the game from today's previews. Single player and multiplayer are being developed by separate teams. For the first time ever - full game map open from the start. The 'switch menu' is a radial menu similar to 'Red Dead Redemption's' weapon wheel. A fully functional wildlife ecosystem, including Coyotes. The story will revolve around six heists. Use the phone to call...

Americana at Its Most Felonious Q. and A.: Rockstar’s Dan Houser on Grand Theft Auto V

Rockstar Games Michael, one of the three playable characters in the coming Grand Theft Auto V, by Rockstar Games. By CHRIS SUELLENTROP   The Grand Theft Auto series of video games is a rare cultural phenomenon: incredibly popular (the last version sold more than 25 million copies globally), widely condemned (by politicians like Hillary Rodham Clinton and Joseph I. Lieberman) and adored by the highbrow (Junot Díaz is a huge fan). Yet its creators at Rockstar Games have been able to shroud themselves in relative mystery for more than a decade, even after a Federal Trade Commission investigation in 2005, when copies of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas were yanked from store shelves after a fan unlocked some sexual content that had been hidden in the game’s code. Trevor, another of the playable characters in Grand Theft Auto V, which will be introduced next spring. With Grand Theft Auto V, the first major title in the series in five years, coming out next spring...

Grand Theft Auto V preview: the inside story

We get the full lowdown on GTA V from co-writer Dan Houser and find out how the game's skewed vision of LA was conceived   Grand Theft Auto V breaks from the play of the previous games in the series by allowing you to jump between three characters. Two helicopters swoop down over the city, zigzagging between looming skyscrapers. They are searching for a third chopper, and they find it, hovering beside an anonymous government building. Quickly, the craft glides away from its pursuers while a gunman leans out and fires back. This is an aerial shoot-out, hundreds of feet above the densely crowded streets, a breathtaking action set-piece, befitting the most vainglorious Hollywood blockbuster. But you are in control; it's your movie. And as shots ring out, one chopper spirals out of the sky, black smoke billowing from its shattered tail. In the background, a neon pink sunset detonates across the sky. This is Grand Theft Auto V, the latest title in a series that has dragged video ga...