
Showing posts from February, 2013

GAME OF THRONES Season 3 Episode Titles Revealed

Eight of the ten episode titles for Season 3 of Game of Thrones have been announced. These are as follows (with airdate and writer/director information): Paul Kaye as Thoros of Myr 301: Valar Dohaeris Written by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss Directed by Daniel Minahan Airdate: 31 March 302: Dark Wings, Dark Words Written by Vanessa Taylor Directed by Daniel Minahan Airdate: 7 April 303: Walk of Punishment Written by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss Directed by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss Airdate: 14 April 304: And Now His Watch is Ended Written by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss Directed by Alex Graves Airdate: 21 April 305: Kissed by Fire Written by Bryan Cogman Directed by Alex Graves Airdate: 28 April 306: tbc Written by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss Directed by Alik Sakharov Airdate: 5 May 307: The Bear and the Maiden Fair Written by George R.R. Martin Directed by Michelle MacLaren Airdate: 12 May 308: tbc Written by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss Directed by Michelle MacLaren Airdate: 19 ...

STORMLIGHT ARCHIVE #2 gets a title

Brandon Sanderson has announced that his second Stormlight Archive novel, the sequel to The Way of Kings , will be entitled Words of Radiance . He'd previously suggested The Book of Endless Pages and Highprince as War as possible titles, but settled on this title for the reasons given at the link. Assuming Sanderson completes the novel on schedule, it should be released this November.

Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag

Por ÔMEGA em 28/02/13 - 12:12 Ubisoft confirmou hoje a chegada de um novo capítulo da franquia  "Assassins Creed" , sob o título de  "Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag" .  A desenvolvedora também anunciou que vai lançar os primeiros detalhes do jogo na segunda-feira, 4 março, às 18:00 pm, horário da Europa.  Foi confirmado os rumores de que este novo capítulo na saga seria estrelado por um assassino diferente de Altair, Ezio e Connor: o novo protagonista é  Edward Kenway .  Kenway   é pai de  Haytham  do AC 3.  Edward   é um contrabandista, pirata e, ocasionalmente, um membro da Ordem dos Assassinos. O local do jogo será no Caribe e várias ilhas, como Jamaica, Bahamas e Cuba, no início do século XVIII.  Foi também ainda afirmado que o trailer do jogo vai contar com música de  Johnny Cash , e irá mostrar  Kenway  sendo perseguido por oficiais da Marinha Britânica....

How the Next Generation Could Kill Gaming (as we know it)

Back in the 1980s, when I started gaming, it took a few people perhaps a few weeks to make a good game. Even the mighty Elite - the first proper 3D game and arguably the first proper open-world game - took two guys a few months to put together. A few years later, during the 16-bit era of the Commodore Amiga, SNES and Megadrive (Genesis for you American types), this had increased to teams of a dozen or so taking a few months to a year, tops, to put together a game. The gaming industry was in the good health, with the biggest mega-hits making tens of millions of dollars but even a game selling just a few thousand copies could still turn a profit. How times have changed. Today, it takes teams of several dozen people anything from two to six years to make a game, with budgets in the tens of millions of dollars. Dozens of game development studios have closed over the course of the last generation of gaming (which began in 2005 with the release of the X-Box 360), in many cases despite selli...

Hugo Nominations 2013

As a paid-up member of Loncon 2014, I was able to participate in the nominating process for this year's Hugo Awards (though not the final vote). Here's what I have nominated so far, although I'm still mulling over a few other categories: Best Novel Existence by David Brin 2312 by Kim Stanley Robinson Dark Eden by Chris Beckett Kings of Morning by Paul Kearney Railsea by China Mieville Best Dramatic Presentation - Long Form Game of Thrones : Season 2* The Walking Dead: The Episodic Adventure Game XCOM The Dark Knight Rises The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Best Dramatic Presentation - Short Form Game of Thrones Episode 209: Blackwater * Game of Thrones Episode 210: Valar Morghulis * The Walking Dead Episode 210: 18 Miles Out The Walking Dead Episode 213: Beside the Dying Fire Merlin Episode 513: Diamond of the Day, Part II * Game of Thrones is eligible in both categories, but if it receives more votes in one category than the other, it will be disqualified from the o...

Redshirts by John Scalzi

Andrew Dahl is a newly-assigned crewman on the Intrepid , the flagship of the Universal Union. Initially what appears to be a plum assignment turns into a nightmare. Almost every away mission turns into a lethal showdown with hostile aliens and crewmen are frequently killed, although oddly the bridge crew seem to survive every one of these encounters. As the situation becomes more bizarre and crew are slain by robots, alien worms and - somewhat unexpectedly - ice sharks, Dahl becomes determined to find out what the hell is really going on. Redshirts is John Scalzi's tribute to all of those unfortunate extras and minor characters whose sole purpose in life is to show up for ten minutes and then die in a feeble attempt to make the audience believe the main characters might be in danger. It's a huge, nerdy in-joke that anyone who's ever sat through an episode of Star Trek should appreciate. Anyone who hasn't (and Star Trek and its cheesier tropes - distressingly - are g...

DriveClub, um game de corrida para o PS4

Por ÔMEGA em 21/02/13 - 12:48 Que console seria completo sem sua cota de jogos de velocidade? Foi justamente isso que a Sony exibiu na noite de ontem durante o anúncio do PlayStation 4, ao revelar  DriveClub , o primeiro game de corrida da plataforma. Desenvolvido pelo Evolution Studios, o título tem grande foco no modo cooperativo e está sendo desenvolvido há dez anos. Todo esse tempo foi essencial para que a tecnologia necessária para criação do jogo estivesse disponível, e para o diretor Matt Southern, nada melhor do que usar a arquitetura superconectada do PlayStation 4 para trazer essa visão para a realidade. A competição acontece entre times, que batalham entre si por melhores recordes e pontuações. Tudo em tempo real, acontecendo o tempo todo. Outro grande diferencial é a perspectiva em primeira pessoa. A ideia é fazer com que o jogador se sinta dono dos carros pilotados, por isso, nada da tradicional visão arcade onde se vê o veículo por fora. Mesmo quan...

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dragonborn

A failed assassination attempt on the Dragonborn hints that an ancient evil has returned to the island of Solstheim, located off the north-eastern coast of Skyrim and north of Morrowind's foreboding Red Mountain. The Dragonborn sets sail for the island and is confronted by a mystery that will take them across the island and into the Oblivion realm of Apocrypha to confront Miraak, the first Dragonborn. Dragonborn is the third piece of DLC (downloadable content) for Skyrim , the monstrously successful fifth game in The Elder Scrolls . Unlike Hearthfire , which simply added the ability to build houses to the game, and Dawnguard , which was a short, linear quest adding the ability to transform into a vampire lord, Dragonborn is a proper expansion like we used to get in the good old days. The setting is Solstheim, previously the setting for Bloodmoon , an expansion to The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind . The island has changed a lot in the subsequent 200 years, with the eruption of the ...

Dragon’s Dogma 2, só que não é Deep Down.

Por ÔMEGA em 21/02/13 - 12:20 Quando Yoshinori Ono apareceu durante o PlayStation Meeting, todos pensaram que ele ia apresentar um Street Fighter para a nova geração. No entanto, o icônico produtor não compareceu ao evento para falar da série de lutas, mas do novo game da Capcom:  Deep Down . Conforme anunciado, o título ainda não é o definitivo e, por mais que as imagens liberadas pareçam muito com uma sequência de Dragon’s Dogma, Ono garantiu que se trata de uma nova franquia desenvolvida especialmente para a nova geração. Portanto, espere encontrar um mundo medieval fantástico de cavaleiros e outras raças — repare que um dos guerreiros possui a orelha pontuda — e repleto de ameaças, como um terrível dragão. E apesar de não termos nenhuma novidade em relação ao  gameplay , a parte visual se destaca. Também pudera, já que a demonstração serviu exatamente para que a Capcom mostrasse ao mundo seu novo motor gráfico, batizado de  Panta Rhei . Como pode s...


HBO have finally released a 'proper' trailer for Season 3 of Game of Thrones : The trailer has a lot of great bits in it, but my favourites were our first proper look at Dragonstone in the daylight: And this shot of Tormund Giantsbane (Kristofer Hivju) climbing the Wall is quite impressive: Meanwhile, Entertainment Weekly has reported that the second season has sold more than 241,000 copies on its first day on sale in the USA, a 44% increase on the first season. More than 350,000 episodes were also bought from digital vendors, more than twice that of the first season. This bodes well for the Season 4 renewal (which is expected after the first few episodes of Season 3 airs, but pre-production has already started).

Happy 20th Birthday to BABYLON 5

Today marks the 20th anniversary of the American SF TV show Babylon 5 . Its pilot episode, The Gathering , aired on 22 February 1993, with the first season proper following eleven months later. Never a mass break-out hit, Babylon 5 remained on-air for five seasons and 110 episodes (plus 4 TV movies and a straight-to-DVD movie), not to mention generating a spin-off called Crusade that lasted half a season before being cancelled and a pilot for a second spin-off that never went to series. Not too bad for a show that, even today, most people have never even heard of. Some of t he regular cast of Babylon 5 in its first season: Jerry Doyle as Security Chief Michael Garibaldi, Peter Jurasik as Centauri Ambassador Londo Mollari (with the hair), Claudia Christian as Lt. Commander Susan Ivanova, Mira Furlan as Minbari Ambassador Delenn, Andrea Thompson as Talia Winters, Andreas Katsulas as Narn Ambassador G'Kar and Richard Biggs as Dr. Stephen Franklin, with Michael O'Hare as Commander...

Killzone: Shadow Fall para PlayStation 4

Por ÔMEGA em 21/02/13 - 12:04 Confirmando os rumores anteriores, a Guerrilla Games subiu ao palco durante a conferência da Sony na noite de ontem para revelar o jogo que todos esperávamos:  Killzone: Shadow Fall , o primeiro game da famosa série a chegar ao PlayStation 4. E mais do que simplesmente revelar o título, o estúdio mostrou algumas cenas e deixou claro o potencial do novo console. Como pode ser visto no vídeo acima, os ambientes mais claros são o principal ponto de destaque. Ao contrário dos cenários escuros e sujos de seus antecessores, Shadow Fall traz um mundo muito mais limpo e definido. A ideia é deixar de usar a escuridão para maquiar a falta de detalhes em construções e demais estruturas ao seu redor, fazendo com que tudo salte aos seus olhos em um nível incrível de detalhes. Além disso, teremos um novo tipo de sociedade sendo apresentada, com os Vektans vivendo em um ambiente futurista, enquanto os Helghast são marginalizados e separa...

inFamous: Second Son traz novo protagonista e muitas novidades.

Por ÔMEGA em 21/02/13 - 11:24 Para quem pensou que, com o fim da saga de Cole MacGrath, ficaríamos sem um novo inFamous, a conferência da Sony mostrou que a série não depende exclusivamente do personagem. Tanto que, durante o PlayStation Meeting, a Sucker Punch aproveitou para anunciar o surpreendente  inFamous: Second Son  para PlayStation 4. De acordo com a produtora, o título se passa sete anos após os acontecimentos do game anterior e vai focar a ação em  Delsin Rowe , um jovem de 24 que julga ter sido destinado à grandeza. Afinal, quem não se sentiria assim ao descobrir que é capaz de manipular o fogo e transformar seu corpo em fumaça? No entanto, as coisas não são tão legais quanto parecem. Depois de todo o incidente em Empire City e New Marais, o governo criou o chamado Departamento de Proteção Unificada, uma agência especializada na caça e captura dos “bioterroristas”. E é claro que Rowe estará na lista de ameaças em potencial, fugindo pelas ruas de...

Finalmente o Ps4 foi divulgado

Por ÔMEGA em 20/02/13 - 23:10 O Ps4 foi finalmente divulgado e o seu nome não será Orbis e sim Playstation 4 .  O console contará com *8  gb  de memória ram gddr5  *500gb de hd  *Bluray  *Processador AMD  de oito núcleos rodando a 1,6 ghz  *Gpu A10 da Amd  *Bluetooth 4.0  Junto com o console foram divulgados novos jogos   que serão lançados juntos com o cosole. Entre os jogos estão : Watching Dogs, Destiny , Killzone 4 , Battlefield 4 e Infamous: Secon son.  O preço foi definido para 500 U$ nos Estados Unidos, 500 ? para a Europa e R$ 1800 para o Brasil. O preço no Brasil foi uma surpresa, visto que o seu antecessor chegou às terras tupiniquins custando mais de 8 mil reais. O console ja estará disponível nas lojas a partir do dia 21 de Setembro. FIQUEM LIGADOS NO EDG.

The Daylight War by Peter V. Brett

According to prophecy, mankind will be saved by the Deliverer, a figure who will unite all of humanity during the Daylight War before defeating the forces of demonkind in the First War. The demons that rise from the Core at night will be destroyed and peace restored to the world. But there is a problem: two men have arisen, both named as the Deliverer by the people they have saved. From the north comes Arlen, the Painted Man. From the south comes Jardir, the ruler of Krasia, and his armies of well-trained, fanatical warriors. For humanity to survive to fight the First War, only one of them can live. The Daylight War is the third novel of The Demon Cycle , currently planned to run to five volumes. It follows on from the events of the enjoyable The Painted Man and the less-accomplished Desert Spear and replicates the structure of the latter novel. Whilst the current-day storyline continues to unfold, we are treated to lengthy flashbacks to the past to flesh out the background of a key...

Scott Lynch update on THE REPUBLIC OF THIEVES

Scott Lynch has posted an update on The Republic of Thieves to the Fantasy Faction website, amusingly in response to the question, "What books haven't you finished?". The Republic of Thieves. (I am so sorry. I simply couldn't resist. In the immortal words of my grandfather: "If you can't laugh at yourself, you're an asshole.") Cheers, SL P.S. It ain't the finishing that's the issue, it's the editing and the miserable damned anxiety attacks. P.P.S. I'm working on both as you read this. P.P.P.S. None of this is the fault of my editors or publishers. They have been patient and steadfastly helpful during a long difficult period of my life. Based on Gollancz's prior information (in their 2013 catalogue) that Republic would be out in the summer if Scott finished before the end of January, and given that he has not finished, we can conclude that book will now not be out in the summer. In fact, at the moment a 2013 publication at al...

Master and Fool by J.V. Jones

Melliandra, Maybor and Tawl are in hiding in the city of Bren as the mad King Kylock expands his power across the north. As armies march and cities burn, Jack discovers how to control his power and learns that his road leads to the forbidding island of Larn. Master and Fool is the final volume of J.V. Jones's Book of Words trilogy. As is traditional with these sort of things, epic climaxes are reached, daring deeds are undertaken and destinies are fulfilled. However, Jones undertakes these actions with unusual cynicism, showing there is a cost to victory and no triumph is unmarred by tragedy. Jones's writing skills have improved from book to book in this series, with the somewhat jarring tonal shifts of the first volume (from tragedy to black comedy and back again) now smoothed other by more natural transitions. Unlike the second volume, which was prone to time-filling wheel-spinning, this third book is fairly jam-packed with plot development. In fact, it's rather too ful...

Map of the REVELATION SPACE universe

Alastair Reynolds has posted this map of the star systems that appear in the Revelation Space novels and short stories. The map was created by Richard Terrett, a fan of Reynolds's work.

Injustice: Gods Among Us terá Robin

Por ÔMEGA em 17/02/13 - 22:48 Filho de Bruce Wayne se juntará à luta A  NetherRealm Studios  colocará  Damien , o filho de Bruce Wayne, em  Injustice: Gods Among Us . O  Robin  lutará contra o pai, na trama que colocará heróis uns contra os outros. De um lado, o Cavaleiro das Trevas. Do outro, Superman - O Homem de Aço.  Asa Noturna , o Robin original, aparece ao lado do Morcego na imagem da HQ baseada no game. Veja! Injustice: Gods Among Us  será lançado em 19 de abril no  Wii U ,  PlayStation 3  e  Xbox  360 . FIQUEM LIGADOS NO EDG.

God of War: Ascension ganhará demonstração no dia 26

Por ÔMEGA em 16/02/13 - 13:01 A Sony acaba de anunciar uma demonstração jogável para o seu God of War: Ascension. No próximo dia 26, fãs da saga do incansável Kratos poderão, por vim, conferir o andamento do modo campanha do game. Interessado em conseguir acesso antes do dia 26? Eis a sua oportunidade, portanto. De acordo com o referido site, a demo será oferecida no dia 20 para a equipe que conseguir levar a melhor no torneio online Rise of the Warriors — espécie de mistura entre graphic novel interativa e quiz baseado em conhecimento da franquia. God of War: Ascension tem lançamento previsto para o dia 12 de março. Fonte:  God of War (site oficial) FIQUEM LIGADOS NO EDG.

novos videos de Injustice: Gods Among Us

Por ÔMEGA em 15/02/13 - 20:12 Injustice: Gods Among Us   é o jogo   de luta desenvolvimento pela NetherRealm Studios que reúne os maiores personagens da DC Comics em um único título. A aparencia dos peronagens é inspirado na série 'Os Novos 52' da mesma editora.  Foram liberados dois novos videos do game: um é sobre a luta entre Shazam e Flash, o outro Joker e Lex Luthor. Confira:  ^ Flash vs Shazam ^ Joker vs Lex Luthor Injustice: Gods Among Us   será publicado pela Warner Brothers Games em Abril de 2013 para Wii U, PlayStation 3 e Xbox 360. FIQUEM LIGADOS NO BLOG.

Stephen Donaldson delivers last-ever THOMAS COVENANT novel

Stephen Donaldson has delivered the third and final draft of The Last Dark , the fourth and concluding novel in The Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant . This will be the tenth Thomas Covenant novel overall, and is planned to conclude the entire series. According to Donaldson: I have just delivered the third draft of THE LAST DARK. Under the circumstances (the circumstances being that Putnams has already put the book on their schedule for October), I have no doubt that this will constitute D&A. For me, the next step will be copyediting; but of course my  publishers have a variety of things that they need to get done. Just to provide a frame of reference: this draft is 932 pages (not counting WHAT HAS GONE BEFORE and the Glossary). I've done some rather draconian cutting, all of which I believe was necessary. I deliberately wrote the first draft *long* because I wanted to be sure that I didn't leave anything out. But the result was an unusually high number o...